Theater Brings Shadows to Light
Theater has the power to tell stories of people in the shadows, Red Ladder Theatre Company’s Karen Piemme tells us. The creative impulse allows us to endure all sorts of hardships.
Did you know that every civilization, every grouping of people, throughout the ages has had some involvement with the arts? The arts make human connection richer.
Theater has the power to tell stories of people in the shadows, Red Ladder Theatre Company’s Karen Piemme tells us. The creative impulse allows us to endure all sorts of hardships.
Social justice is a cornerstone of Santa Clara University. All of the students volunteer several hours per week, whether they are studying business, engineering, or theater. This article presents an overview of some of the programs and their effects on the community and the students.
“If you want to communicate with each other you need to talk in more cultural forms. To break the ice… the distance between people, theater and art are effective,” Jun said. He and Mitchy call theater and art a “weapon.” They add that it can’t be used alone, but as part of a struggle and collective action.
Theater, tradition, and collaboration can lead to experiences that transcend power imbalances. The performance of The Apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe provides one example.