Arseh Sevom is Launching a Podcast!
October 27, 2020
Episode 3: Interpreting the Constitution
November 12, 2020Barabari (Equality)
Season 1: Human Rights and the Guardian Council
A new podcast from Arseh Sevom. Season 1 examines the Guardian Council’s role in denying human rights.
Episode 2: The Consequences of Torture
This episode explores the consequences of torture on the lives of those who survive it. We hear from a number of people who were tortured in Iran’s judicial system.
We also look at the Guardian Council’s decision to reject the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
This episode also looks at the Convention on Children’s Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Dr. Mahmoud Amiri Moghaddam: Neurologist and founder of Iran Human Rights
Kamran Ashtary: Artist and executive director of Arseh Sevom
Behnam Daraiezadeh: Defense lawyer
Mohammad Taghi Karroubi: Lawyer
Hossein Ahmadi Niaz: Defense lawyer and human rights activist
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Barabari Hosts
Mostafa Khosravi and Mahsa
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Extra Reading and Viewing:
۱- مصاحبه با شهرزاد ابراهیمی در تلویزیون بی بی سی فارسی
۲- مصاحبه با مازیار ابراهیمی در تلویزیون بی بی سی فارسی
۳- مصاحبه با نادر نوری کهن در شبکه من و تو
۴- وب سایت علی خامنهای رهبر ایران http://www.mostazafin.tv/article/6275
۵- تلویزیون اینترنتی مستضعفین http://www.mostazafin.tv/article/6275
۶- گزارشی از برخورد ماموران ایرانی با شهروندان افغان
۷- مشروح مذاکرات مجلس خبرگان قانون اساسی: