
January 23, 2019

Arseh Sevom in 2017: Letter from the President of the Board

People in Iran keep surprising us with their creative efforts for change. They keep standing up and shaking things up – even in the face of overwhelming punishment. Women stand up for their rights even when faced with outrageous punishments. Teachers demand dignity and fair pay. Conservationists stand up to the degradation of the environment.
August 27, 2018

UN: Sanctions on Iran are Unjust and Harmful

“The reimposition of sanctions against Iran after the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the Iran nuclear deal, which had been unanimously adopted by the Security Council with the support of the US itself, lays bare the illegitimacy of this action,” Mr. Jazairy observed.
July 31, 2018

Hold firm to the values of human rights without forgetting those caught up in conflict they cannot control

We urge all activists and organizations with a focus on Iran to take the time to understand the impact of the US political posturing and the Iranian government’s response on the actual people inside of the county and from the perspective of Iran’s history and current climate. Our era is one that requires great strength in resisting authoritarian ideas that come couched in the language of freedom, security, and democracy. This is a time to hold firm to the values of human rights without forgetting the people who are caught up in a political conflict that they cannot control.