
November 2, 2014

The First Day of School in Iran: You Can’t Say “That”

At the end of September, children all over Iran begin their first day of school. It's an exciting time, filled with hope and the promise of new friends and new experiences. For many children it's also about learning how different the world of the family is from the world outside the family. Many people were interviewed for this article. Some had come of age during the darkest days after the revolution, during the war with Iraq. Some had children who had recently begun school.
October 30, 2014

Iran Human Rights Review: United Nations

The current issue of the Iran Human Rights Review focuses on the United Nations. The universal periodic review of Iran's efforts to address human rights abuses will occur at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights just a few hours later. It's a good time to remember that Iran not only endorsed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but helped to shape it.