
October 9, 2013

#Iran — Has the Time Come for a Thaw in Relations with Its Own People?

Pay no attention to the executions behind the curtainArseh Sevom -- In this week's overview, we learn that the short term political aims of sanctions have long term effects on the most vulnerable. Improved relations may actually lead to some ease in US sanctions. This would most likely only sanctions that are the result of executive orders. Sanctions signed into law by the US congress are unlikely to be changed. Over 100 tons of illegal drugs were seized in Tehran. We are not talking about recreational drugs here, many of them were difficult to find treatments. In a carnival-like atmosphere, the Iranian military destroyed equipment for over 800 satellite connections with tanks and bulldozers. Despite the kinder, gentler face Iran is showing the world, executions continue at a record rate and Internet freedom is at an all-time low. Will the Iranian government start thawing relations with its own population next?
October 7, 2013

Taking Witness Testimony

Gissou Nia, the director of the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center, talked to Arseh Sevom about best practices for interviewing to document human rights violations. This post presents a brief overview of the key points. This does not cover all the points made, so be sure to watch the video too.
October 7, 2013

Event: Does the #CyrusCylinder Still Speak to Us Today

On October 10, 2013 Hirad Abtahi, first legal adviser of the Presidency of the International Criminal Court, will be speaking to The World Affairs Council of Orange County as part of the panel discussion "Light from the Ancient Past: Does the Cyrus Cylinder Still Speak to Us Today?". Abtahi is author of the book ‘’Reflections on the Ambiguous Universality of Human Rights: Cyrus the Great’s Proclamation as a Challenge to the Athenian Democracy Perceived Monopoly on Human Rights" published by Arseh Sevom and distributed by Pegah Distribution.
September 30, 2013

#Iran — Is Rouhani The One

Arseh Sevom—Could Hassan Rouhani be The One? Since Rouhani’s inauguration, a number of prisoners of conscience have been released, a more than thirty year freeze in relations between the US and Iran defrosting, and hopes raised. Some of the sanctions have been eased and tons of medications are being cleared through customs. After his return from the US, Rouhani faced both support and opposition at the airport and at least one shoe was thrown in anger. The times they are a-changing…maybe. And, in the case of Iran's women's Kata team, who were disqualified for wearing too much hijab, they are not changing soon enough. In the case of Iran's women's Kata team, who were disqualified for wearing too much hijab, they are not changing soon the case of Iran's women's Kata team, who were disqualified for wearing too much hijab, they are not changing fast enough.
September 18, 2013

#Iran — The Smell of Change

Arseh Sevom -- As we were getting ready to post this week's review, we heard the good news that Nassrin Sotoudeh and eight other political prisoners had been released from prison. Author Pejman Majidzadeh's nose must really be filled with the smell of change now. In this week's review, he introduces the JUST ACCESS campaign against the unintended effects of economin sanctions. The US Treasury department has issued two new general licenses for humanitarian aid and amateur athletic events. We read of a letter exchange between Obama and Rouhani. Iran's beleagured House of Cinema has now been reopened. The case of the house-imprisoned Green Movement leaders is finally going to court. The Supreme Leader hints at better relations between the US and Iran. Iranians wonder what happened to two billion dollars in oil revenues.
September 9, 2013

#Iran: Can Word Games Lead to Action and Real Change

Arseh Sevom--While the war in Syria may become an international war soon, Iran and America have been engaged in some pre-diplomatic word games. Will Ta'amol, the Persian word for mutual action, enter the language the way that the Russian word Glasnost (openness) has? A European Court ruling has challenged the inclusion of seven Iranian companies on the sanctions list. Rouhani is looking at tourism (Glasnost?) as a way of growing Iran's feeble economy, and a Singaporean photographer may prove to be the new industry's unofficial spokesperson. Workers in Iran suffer the combined effects of bad policy and economic sanctions. Finally, Iran's foreign minister tweets Rosh Hashana wishes.
September 3, 2013

Iran — Fearing the Tyrant Not the Change

Arseh Sevom--The final post of a three-part series summarizing the Hivos report, The Green Movement: Seizing the State or Democratizing Society, examines the long struggle for democracy in Iran and the stunted growth of its civil society. Editor Shervin Nekuee states that "The most essential question these citizens have to deal with is whether they are capable of preventing the arrival of yet another tyrant..." Civil Society activist Sohrab Razzaghi says, “The fundamental issue is that the idea of a civil society is not yet considered a social project among Iranian intelligentsia and social forces [...]”
September 2, 2013

#Iran — I Want My Google Play

Arseh Sevom -- Budget shortfalls have wreaked havoc on the state of Iran's healthcare, which is facing more than one billion euros of debt. Since sanctions were loosened on personal electronics, Iranians can now buy iPhones and Androids. Social Media is not just for opposition anymore as Iran's politicians find their way on to Facebook and Twitter. Membership in the World Trade Association (WTO) is still a distant dream for Iran as is freedom for the leaders of Iran's Green Movement. Somehow, however, Iran has found a way to fulfill the dream of a base on Antarctica.