How do eco-activists in the UK manage to carry out their actions despite efforts to infiltrate them and shut down their activities? In this piece, scholar […]
Civicus World Alliance for Citizen Participation has written an open letter protesting the bill Establishment and Supervision of NGOs, which would place civil society in Iran […]
Today’s featured piece from Arseh Sevom’s Civil Society Zine is The Death of the “Twitter Revolution” and the Struggle over Internet Narratives from PhD candidate Donya […]
On the recommendation of a group of Iranian parliament representatives, the bill for the “Establishment and Supervision of NGOs” has been dropped from the agenda of […]
PLEASE WRITE IMMEDIATELY in Persian, Arabic, English, French or your own language:
Calling on Iranian parliamentarians not to pass the Bill on the Establishment and Supervision of NGOs, which would severely limit the peaceful exercise of the rights to freedom of association and assembly in Iran;
Reminding the Iranian authorities that freedom of association and assembly is guaranteed by Articles 26 and 27 of the Iranian Constitution and by Article 21 and 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) to which Iran is a state party;
Urging the authorities to cease harassing and arresting civil society activists, including students’ and women’s rights activists, environmentalists, journalists, human rights defenders and members of professional associations, such as the Teachers’ Trade Associations.
PUBLIC STATEMENT 10 April 2011 AI Index: MDE 13/044/2011 Iran: Parliament ignores concerns of independent civil society organisations over draft bill Nobel Peace Laureate Shirin Ebadi […]
Can civic engagement in the virtual sphere allow repressed societies to create social capital equivalent to that seen in the open, democratic physical sphere?
In Backstory Of A Revolution: Studying Tweets, Posts from National Public Radio’s Morning Edition, we can hear a quick overview on the ways in which the […]