September 15, 2013
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August 12, 2013
Arseh Sevom has joined a number of organizations in calling for the release of five Azerbaijani activists unfairly imprisoned. In protest of their conditions, they began a hunger strike more than four weeks ago and are currently in critical condition. They are among many others who find themselves unfairly convicted for advocating for rights often guaranteed by Iran's own constitution.
July 19, 2013
Arseh Sevom believes that the interference from governmental bodies and security forces is the primary cause for the problems facing one of the biggest NGOs in Iran. What has happened to the members of House of Cinema in the past few years is a violation of their rights as recognized by the international community and by article 26 of Iran's own constitution. Over the past few years, members of the House of Cinema have been under pressure from security forces. Now, security forces have locked them out of their own building.
February 26, 2013
A statement from a group of Iranian lawyers — The Iranian Bar Association has experienced many ups and downs since its formation. Its achievement of full […]
February 14, 2013
Iran: End arbitrary house arrests of Mousavi, Karroubi, and Rahnavard; Free all prisoners of conscience (Beirut, London, Paris, 13 February 2013) – The Iranian authorities should […]
January 24, 2013
he undersigned human rights organizations strongly oppose the death sentences issued by the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) against five civil and cultural activists who are members of the Ahwazi Arab ethnic minority in Iran. We urge the IRI authorities to halt the implementation of the death sentences against these five men pending further review of their cases in accordance with due process standards
November 22, 2012
Violations escalate with impunity; Non-Western powers urged to take leadership on human rights crisis (November 21, 2012) — Human rights and press freedom organizations have called […]
October 22, 2012
On the 14th of October 2012 the Iran Tribunal announced the second phase of the People’s Court process, the Tribunal, which will be held at The […]
October 10, 2012
We, the undersigned organizations, strongly oppose the continuing use of the death penalty in the Islamic Republic of Iran. We are concerned that Iran’s radical policies, which allegedly aim to eradicate drug-trafficking and result in the execution of several hundred prisoners every year, are supported in part by international funding.Of the countries that continue to apply the death penalty in their domestic jurisdictions, Iran leads in number of executions per capita. Many of these executions are conducted in secret and go unreported by official sources. According to reports from human rights groups that document executions in Iran from both official and unofficial sources, roughly 650 executions were carried out in 2010 and 670 in 2011. At the time of the publication of this statement, at least 332 individuals have been executed in 2012. Of these executions, it is estimated that more than 70% are for drug-related offenses.