Civil Society

September 10, 2019

Sahar Khodayari, Iran’s Blue Girl Dies

Sahar Khodayari became known as the blue girl for painting her face blue to support her favorite Iranian football team. When she was told she may face a prison sentence from six months to two years for daring to attend a soccer game, she set herself on fire.
February 12, 2018

Kenya Really Wants Democracy

In 2017, Kenya’s courts made history when they sided with opposition protests concerning flawed election proceedings favoring the incumbent. A new election was called for and held. The court decision was a landmark for the support of democracy. The result of that decision? Well that’s another story…
January 7, 2018

Corruption and Poverty Lead to Rage and Despair in Iran

"If I were not in prison, I would be in front of Parliament every day that the budget bill was under discussion. The members of parliament need to know that they are accountable to the people, that they represent the people, and that the eyes of the people are upon them."
August 14, 2017

Building’s Collapse Highlights Iran’s Lack of Emergency Preparedness

"We were defeated. We may be good at motivational speeches, but practically the capacity of our Fire Department is limited. We lost 20 of our best firefighters as well as a number of civilians in the disaster."