Free Speech

January 7, 2018

Corruption and Poverty Lead to Rage and Despair in Iran

"If I were not in prison, I would be in front of Parliament every day that the budget bill was under discussion. The members of parliament need to know that they are accountable to the people, that they represent the people, and that the eyes of the people are upon them."
April 2, 2016

Vandalism Marks ‘Schindler’s List’ Movie Night

"Last night we rented the film Schindler’s List. In one part of the film we saw how Nazi agents raided Jewish homes. There were terrible sounds of shooting and killing and destruction. You could see how family members were detained and the massacres begin. Little by little, I could feel the sounds getting closer and closer, combining with the sounds of gunshots and angry shouting."
November 2, 2014

The First Day of School in Iran: You Can’t Say “That”

At the end of September, children all over Iran begin their first day of school. It's an exciting time, filled with hope and the promise of new friends and new experiences. For many children it's also about learning how different the world of the family is from the world outside the family. Many people were interviewed for this article. Some had come of age during the darkest days after the revolution, during the war with Iraq. Some had children who had recently begun school.
October 21, 2014

Lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh Stages Sit-In

Arseh Sevom--Iranian lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh is protesting her three-year suspension from practicing law with a protest in front of the Iran Bar Association. She has been joined by a number of other dissidents, including Mohammad Nourizad and Mohammad Maleki. Sotoudeh explains the reasons for her protest beginning with this point: "The Iranian government has been depriving dissidents from the right to life, education and work for many years."
February 4, 2013

Iran: No News is Bad News, Crackdown on Journalists

In the wake of a crackdown on journalists in Iran combined with the harassment of their family and friends, no news is bad news. The Ministry of Intelligence promises there won't be an end to the arrests until the entire network is revealed, claiming that those arrested are being arrested for collaborating with foreign forces rather than working as journalists. Exiled journalist Masih Alinejad bitterly jokes of babies begging their mothers not to give birth so that they can avoid detention. Saghi Laghaie warns people to not share any details about those arrested that could be used against them. "Avoid writing about your shared memories or dialogues as they might be used against them…"