August 7, 2018 August 7, 2018Categories In the newsRemember Ibn Sina (Avicenna)? Google Doodle DoesIbn Sina, the 10th century Persian philosopher, physician, astronomer, and writer, gets his own Google Doodle.
June 3, 2014 June 3, 2014Categories In the newsPressArseh Sevom Receives Prix Ars Electronica MentionArseh Sevom receives honorary mention for its work building digital communities. Read more.
April 28, 2011 April 28, 2011Categories In the newsIn the news…Arseh Sevom in the news during the month of April: Sohrab Razzaghi gives an interview with Rooz Online's Fereshteh Ghazi about the bill before Iran's Parliament that aims to limit independent civil society in Iran;Mentioned on Voice of America; Reported on by Radio Zamaneh; And more...