Human Rights Council

March 24, 2011

UNHRC Appoints Special Rapporteur (Update)

A Special Rapporteur has been appointed by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to investigate the situation in Iran. When asked how this would effect the situation in Iran, human rights lawyer Shadi Sadr told Arseh Sevom that the reports of previous Special Rapporteurs (Galindopole and Copithorne), appointed before the establishment of the UNHRC, had a positive effect on the conditions in the country, particularly on those of political prisoners.She adds that the fact that the UNHRC has, for the first time, agreed to appoint a special mandate for the country, "shows us to what extent the international community is prepared to react to the continuing deterioration of the human rights situation in Iran."Read the rest...
February 8, 2011

Report on the Human Rights Council

The Democracy Coalition Project recently issued a report reviewing the effectiveness of the Human Rights Council. They noted that despite concern about the human rights situation in Iran, no country mandate was established to review the situation there.