
August 27, 2018

UN: Sanctions on Iran are Unjust and Harmful

“The reimposition of sanctions against Iran after the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the Iran nuclear deal, which had been unanimously adopted by the Security Council with the support of the US itself, lays bare the illegitimacy of this action,” Mr. Jazairy observed.
March 10, 2014

#Iran: Abuse in Soccer Schools, Feminists Speak Out, Economy and Sanctions

Arseh Sevom--Women's day passes us by and we can look forward to another 364 days dominated by men. Award winning reporterNaeimeh Doustdar wrote for Arseh Sevom: "I know I should be a feminist and am a feminist, yet I wonder why others, men and women, are not. Discrimination is complex, and the struggle is complex. The ideals of feminism are not simply for the benefit of women..." [fa] This week's review paints a picture of a society struggling with difficult issues: rights, abuse, corruption, and poverty.
February 10, 2014

#Iran — I’m Sorry, So Sorry, #Rouhani Apologizes on State TV

Arseh Sevom – There are times when the sword is mightier than the pen and on January 29 it was so. Two Ahwazi Arabs were executed without warning, without the chance to say goodbye to loved ones. Their crime: “enmity against God.” This review looks at politics, sanctions, apologies, and executions.
January 29, 2014

US Sanctions Law Shuts Down Online Courses in #Iran

"Few things illustrate the bone-headedness, short-sightedness, and sheer chauvinism of the political structure of the United States better than the extent to which its ideologues are willing to go to score cheap domestic political points with narrow interests in the pursuit of a sanctions regime that has clearly run its course." Those were the words sent to the students of the online course "Constitutional Struggles in the Muslim World" this morning. A U.S. Treasury spokeswoman reminds us that Coursera needs to apply for a license to operate and that the office of the treasury has a history of approving educational licences.
January 28, 2014

#Iran — Can you See the Music?

Arseh Sevom --We cherish the small victories: the small acts of solidarity, defiance, kindness. Maybe seeing musical instruments on television seems trivial, but we see it as a win. A small win, yes. But one nonetheless. The rest of the news isn't quite as rosy: the economy remains disastrous for Iran's working class. Promised liberalization of society is stalled. Still, the current Iranian administration works to connect Iran with the rest of the world. “The last six years have taught us that no country can succeed alone,” Iran's president tell the World Economic Forum. Yes, and no country can thrive without space for dissent, celebration, and basic rights. We'll be looking for more small wins in the months and years to come.