Saeed Mortazavi

May 14, 2012

Journalists Protest, Rapper Threatened, Cartoonists Quick on the Draw, Trade Unionists Suffer

126 Iranian journalists signed a letter protesting the arrests and harassment of journalists and sent it to the head of the judiciary and the speaker of parliament. A cartoonist faced lashing for his drawing of an MP, and cartoonists all over the world launched a campaign of support. An MP assaulted a journalist who asked a sensitive question. Publishers banned from attending the International Book Fair received support from a prisoner of conscience, while women were targeted for bad hejab. The ICT minister calls for government instituions to host their email and sites on domestic servers. Rapper Shahin Najafi wakes up to find a price on his head offered by an anonymous Gulf resident after his new song satirizing the wait for the tenth Imam hit the airwaves. And more...
May 7, 2012

Long Sentences for Human Rights Defenders, Elections End, Persian Gulf Erased, and Middle Class Shrinks

Parliamentary Elections Concluded This week the second round of the Iranian parliamentary elections was held. The opposition websites have  reported of extensive irregularities, such as the […]